Monday, August 31, 2020

My Baby Elevated My Hustle

Written August 27th & 28th
Published August 31st

The moment I saw those two pink lines my priorities shifted. My hopes transformed into determination. I have to win.I have to succeed in all I do. No more selling myself short or undervaluing my work. There is now a life on the line. A life that we are responsible for. Since that moment, I have been brainstorming, rearranging, planning, gathering and creating a timeline for all the steps of my multi entrepreneurial journey. 

 The 1st step I took is deciding to showcase my personally selected clothing, jewelry & accessories on my website via social media live sales once this precious bundle of joy is born. This is something I’m very excited about because it embodies the message of my online store, “My Style & Story Shared With You”. I’ll be able to connect with my clientele on a more personal level and share myself with them deeper than a webpage. PLUS I’m designating my other page to also exclusively showcase the fabulously known $5 PAPARAZZI JEWELRY as an independent Consultant for my clientele that love to sparkle and shine on a more fixed budget. I’ve been shopping with my chosen consultant for a year now and decided to join her team after being satisfied with every piece I received. So I’m ecstatic that I get to showcase my own selected paparazzi pieces! 

Daily I’d go through my vendor list and pre order inventory for both stores in every category that I plan on showcasing in the fall. All the while I have this little nugget in the forefront of my mind as he rolls and kicks waiting for his debut. I want him to have everything I didn’t. I want to give him the time and love that he deserves. I want to be the very best version of myself so he can have the space to grow into who he needs to be. 

Though I’ve been determined in business, I admit the knowledge of mybaby boy has elevated my hustle. As I write this I’m laying in my hospital bed in Labor & Delivery. Each sentence quickly being expressed between contractions. MY GOODNESS THESE CONTRACTIONS! With each burst of unimaginable pain all I think to myself is he has to come out and this is the process of making that happen. I look forward to when this epidural kicks in! 7cm in, I’m almost there! My mind keeps toggling between the here and now, and all I’m planning to secure his future.

I just want him out so I can walk out the door with him and execute our plans. I know it’s not necessarily going to go exactly that way as healing, recovery and getting into a solid routine has to happen first. Plus I have to get my body back. Actually more so embrace the new mommy body I am about to receive and sculpt it the way I desire it to be. I’m up for the challenge. As I evolve and transition into a new season, my clothing pieces will reflect that as well. I look forward to going through the journey with you all. 

My baby boy will be out soon I hope. It’s time to push. I have to focus. Time for me to sign off until then. Stay tuned and keep a look out for my live social media sales on Facebook and Instagram plus my other projects to follow in the next few weeks (or month lol I know I’m pushing the timeline. I’m just eager to get started). Until then, shop my websites!:


Paparazzi $5 Jewelry:

Love & Light,

Gesphania (New Mommy) 

Update: After 30 minutes of pushing later... I’m officially a mommy. He’s so perfect! The most amazing feeling 💙

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Spreading Your Eggs: Generating Multiple Financial Streams

As an entrepreneur and business owner, I find that people recognize me by my professional title. “Oh you’re that wedding planner right?”.  I reply, “Yes I am that and a few other things”. My response usually sparks the conversation of what else do I do. In this new age, millennials dibble and dabble in multiple avenues. Opposite from the Boomer and Generation X era who most likely have stuck to one profession, my generation is interested and focused on generating multiple streams of income.

Why do you ask? Well my reason is because I have more than one passion and I don’t feel I should settle on just one. Over time, I’ve added my eggs to a few different baskets. Let’s see... there’s wedding planning, event decor, photography, editing, retail fashion curation, personal styling, writing (of course) and a couple others that I haven’t revealed publicly as of yet. I find that it’s healthy to spread your wings and fly in all the directions that you are passionate about. I’ve witnessed that "one basket person" have it all and lose it all because they relied solely on that great career without ever exploring anything else they might be equally amazing at. If one egg breaks, I have comfort in knowing that I have other options.

My greatest example would be my mom. She opened a retail bridal store over 25 years ago that’s still alive and kicking while so many stores have closed around her. But it’s not only because she sells retail bridal & evening gowns. She’s also a seamstress, alteration specialist, interior designer, florist and decor expert. So if a client walks in looking for a gown but hasn’t made up her mind just yet, my mother can easily offer her other services so she wins either way. Being multitalented also gives her the option of switching her storefront to a solely online business in the future if she chooses.

Not just in business, but in life always have a back up plan for your back up plan. We as humans can do so much more than we think we’re capable of. Continue to explore, experience and execute all beneficial things that drive you. As many states are advised to be indoors during the current COVID-19 pandemic, and more people have increased time on their hands, now is the time to embark on the something that you've always wanted to try (within the confines of your home of course). There are plenty of online tutorials, classes and "how-to" videos of your preference. Hopefully once the dust settles my hope is to see a lot more entrepreneurs emerging from the ashes and ready to take on the world.

Love & Light ✨

Monday, September 9, 2019

She Get It From Her Mama

The wedding world was not on my radar of passions growing up. In fact, as a child I was convinced that I was going to be a doctor. Whenever I was asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?", I would always choose what I thought would give the most impressed reaction. Doctors were always looked at with such prestige so naturally I gravitated towards what was perceived to be the best in my world. It wasn't until I started to form my own identity that I realized my interests were far from the medical field.

My mother influenced my love of fashion and beauty. The way she is able to transform a room with gorgeous floral arrangements and decor took my breath away. She brings joy to women as she styles them in both custom made and curated gowns. Each bride's elated expression brought renewed excitement. I wanted to become apart of that and create my own unique stamp within the family business.

I pushed forward and added the skill of Wedding Planning to my arsenal of talents. I have extended the experience by not only seeing my client in her gorgeous gown for the first time or watching her expression as she enters her gorgeously decorated venue, I am also able to walk with her in her wedding journey from the very beginning to the end. To be able to be that support for a woman as she embarks on this new season and transition in her life is an honor. I know I have big shoes to fill as I carry the torch that my mother has kept burning for over 25 years, but she has laid a strong foundation for me to build upon. Cheers to the many more weddings I get to create with my inspiration, my mother.

Love & Light Rising Roses