Photo Cred: QREV Production |
Thursday and Friday and I set aside a few hours to hit the gym. Now I did not always have this discipline. Being relatively small all my life (and when I say relatively I really mean I was scarily skinny), exercise was the last thing on my mind. Just walking up one staircase I worried I would be 5 pounds lighter by the time I reached the top. I avoided losing weight so physical health was not a top priority. Until my body started to catch up with my age. In less than 2 years I put on 35 pounds. I love and embrace the new figure but to make sure it doesn't get out of control, I opened a gym membership.
Now at first my only excitement to joining a gym was the idea of wearing cute workout gear. I looked the part but did not look forward to the process. Contrary to all of those Gatorade commercials where the athlete makes it look so easy and inspiring, exercise hurts and it's hard. At least that was my initial experience. I complained, I made faces of frustration, I stopped every two seconds, I ran to the water cooler every chance I got. Don't laugh at this rookie!
But over time my body began to like the pressure. Now I'm not saying it became painless but I enjoy the challenge of surpassing previous limitations. It became more than just shaping by body. Exercise is a release. In my mind, the machines and the equipment represent the obstacles and the barriers that may present themselves in life. And pushing myself past what I think is my limit represents me knocking down those walls.
My favorite machine is the treadmill. On that machine I'm a track star (in my head). Can't no one tell me nothing! Every time I feel my legs burning, instead of stopping, I visualize my life journey. All the hurdles set forth in attempt to deter me from reaching the finish line. With that thought I push harder. I clench my jaw, I squint my eyes and I BEAST that treadmill! When my timer goes off and the race for that moment is over, I walk away feeling triumphant and encouraged to tackle life in the same manner.
Exercise may help you attain and maintain physical attractiveness, but it also does a work in you on the inside. You not only look good but you feel good physically, mentally and even spiritually. We work so hard on reaching our financial, educational and personal goals, but do we take the time to nurture our bodies, our temple? And it takes more work than adorning that figure with the latest attire, rocking the newest shoes and getting glam with our newest matte lippie. We must make it priority to work the inside out as well.
As hard as it may feel, the great thing about it is we will not only be metaphorically kicking life challenges' butt, we will also be keeping our health in check, adding a boost to our spirit and looking great while doing so! What is there not to love about that!
With all this being said, for those pushing past the limit either at the gym, consistently taking runs in your city or putting in work at home, I salute you and your drive. Keep going! For those who want to start exercising, make plans to start today! You can do it! And yes it will hurt, yes you will feel pain and scream at times (I by the way scream every time), But it will be worth it. I am cheering you on!
3 more days until Thursday! I am ready.